Blind spots in Cloud Computing – Ways to find and eliminate them

As every organization moves their server infrastructure to a cloud platform for its advantages, availability and features, it is also necessary to know about the Blind Spots of cloud. A Blind Spot may be explained as a certain segment in a network or system where the intruders see it as a loophole which can compromise network, data, performance and security.

These days attackers use sophisticated technology and software to steal highly sensitive data or can even destroy the critical system having the data. To prevent these kinds of attacks, organisations should have full visibility and control of the network from user to cloud API, this can detect threats on the network and preventive measures can be implemented before it is too late.

Here are some potential clouds Blind Spots  

  • Poor Access Control

Poor access control leads the user to having full privilege over the network and system which tends to easily lose track of who has access to what.

  • Phishing and Ransomware

Organisations with Poor network security and lack of monitoring tend to be exposed to risk by clicking malicious links or by downloading infected files.

  • Default Ports and Password

Many organisations have the practice of using default ports and passwords. Default port for SSH (22) and RDP (3389) can provide full access to cloud and API, this provides attackers an easy way to steal your data or even can take full control of your cloud / Server.

  • Distributed Denial of Service

Attackers flood the server with internet traffic making it in-accessible to connected services and sites. Organizations should choose providers who provide DDoS Protection for your cloud.

  • Encryption

Organisations tends to leave data and communication un-encrypted or with expired encryption which gives a gateway for attackers to steal your data’s

  • Network Security

Every organisation should have proper network security by having an end-point monitoring system which gives a detailed report whether the attack is from inside the network or from outside.

  • Third Party Access

Third-party application and API may be necessary but choosing the right Third-party provider is must, as data and communication are made by using their Application and API’s.

  • Insiders

Rogue employees tend to steal data via data storage devices like USB drive, Hard Drive or even by file sharing, having a proper monitoring tool and restricted access over data prevents stealing of data from inside the organisation.

In order to prevent cloud blind spots, organisations must have continuous monitoring and network tracking. An attack analysis covers the on-premises, cloud or any other devices connected to the network by eliminating the attack before entering the network.

Ways to Eliminate Cloud Blind Spots

  • Adequate End-Point Detection and Monitoring Tool

End point detection and monitoring tool provides monitoring of network and devices 24/7 and alerts super-admin when an attack or any abnormal activity is detected inside and outside the network.

  • Network Security

Network Security is the most important way to eliminate cloud blind spots by having a high-level firewall to networks, As mentioned Earlier having default ports has the possible way of making your cloud a threat to DDoS attacks or accessing the server with default password where no one can find who has logged in as it is set to default password. Prevent usage of default ports and password as it is the gateway for genuine users as well as intruders.

  • Privileged Access Management

Having one or two super admin is enough to have full control over the system and network where other users can have file access only to a certain point. Implementing secured folders, adding two-factor or multi-factor authentication to Applications is an additional layer of security to restrict intruders from getting into your data. Automated thread response with a special operation team or detection tool is necessary to examine the file access or network logs constantly.
