
GPU Workstations

Client Profile: The company is a developer of an AI-based meeting assistant used to transcribe conversations and turns meeting highlights into actionable items. Their platform offers real time multilingual transcription, report highlights, meeting summaries, and searchable transcripts in audio and text formats.Challenges : Their customers based in the Netherlands wanted to use the latest NVDIA GPU adapters for the training phase. With the regular cloud VMs the accuracy and speed as well the complexity of AI applications cannot be met and hence the client was looking for GPU servers for handling their workloads.

Solution: We proposed NVDIA V100 GPU servers on the cloud. In 2020, NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core is the most advanced data center GPU ever built to accelerate AI, high performance computing (HPC), and graphics. It’s powered by NVIDIA Volta architecture, comes in 16 and 32GB configurations, and offers the performance of up to 100 CPUs in a single GPU. Data scientists, researchers, and engineers can now spend less time optimizing memory usage and more time designing the next AI breakthrough.

Outcome : Client has reduced OPEX cost by replacing multiple VMs with few GPU servers. The migration from another public cloud to our infrastructure was smooth by our expert team. The customer was able to train and complete the inference of AI workloads faster than expected. They are on to the next rounds of fundraising for the next product and we have already started discussions for scaling up the infrastructure to meet the future demands.

Virtual Desktops

Client : A Software Development company having 100+ employees working in different shift timings for US and European clients .They were on hybrid model where 40% employees work from home at any point of time.

Challenges : The client required a solution whereby the employees can login to a consolidated portal and work with their resources thus enabling continuity between employees working in consecutive shifts. The client also wanted to encourage BYOD(Bring Your Own Device) and thus spend less on company infrastructure without compromising on the security of data being handled.

Solution : Infraoncloud provided the client with Virtual Desktop solutions (VDI) where the employees were able to work with their applications hassle-free. In addition to this the client was able to track employee activity and identify any data breach or threat using the salient features that comes with this service.

Outcome : With the VDIs in place the company resources were utilised better thus saving cost on hardware as well as the continuity of business was not affected. The client was able to monitor the productivity of their remote employees in an effective way. At the same time when an employee resigns they can simply allocate the VDI to the new employee rather than worrying out recovering the hardware.
